International Papers


1.  Yanmis I, Komurcu M, Oguz E, Basbozkurt M, Gur E.: The role of arthroscopy in chronic anterior shoulder dislocation: Technique and early results. Arthroscopy. 2003 Dec;19(10):1129-32.


2.  Erler K., Oğuz E.,Kömürcü M., Ateşalp S., Başbozkurt M.: Ankle swelling in a 6-year-old boy with unusual presentation: report of rare case. J. Foot Ankle Surg 2003 Jul-Aug; 42(4):235-9


3.  Erler K.,Özdemir MT., Oguz E., Başbozkurt M.: Does False aneurysm behave like a sarcoma? Distal femoral arterial false aneurysm simulated a malign mesenchymal tumor A case report and review of the literature. Archives Orthopedic Trauma Surgery. 2004 124:60-63

4.   Yanmis I, Tunay S, Oguz E, Yildiz C, Ozkan H, Kirdemir V.: Dropping of an EndoButton into the knee joint 2 years after anterior cruciate repair using proximal fixation methods. Arthroscopy. 2004, May-june;20(5)


5.   Ateşalp AS, Komurcu M, Demiralp B, Bek D, Oguz E, Yanmis I.:Treatment of close-range, low-velocity gunshot fractures of tibia and femur diaphysis with consecutive compression-distraction technique: a report of 11 cases. J Surg Orthop Adv. 2004 Summer;13(2):112-114


6.  Yanmis I., Wiesler E., Ozkan H., Oguz E., Tunay S., Altinmakas M.: Double long head of biceps brachii tendon (case report). Techniques Shoulder Elbow Surg. Techniques in Shoulder and Elbow Surgery 2005 6(3) : 125-127


7.   Yanmis İ. Oğuz E., Ateşalp AS, Özkan H., Kuruklu M., Demiralp B, Başbozkurt M.,Application of circular external fixator under arthroscopic control in comminuted patella fractures: technique and early results. J Trauma. 2006 Mar;60(3):659-63.


8.   Tsai TT, Danielson KG, Guttapalli A, Oguz E, Albert TJ, Shapiro İM, Risbud MV, TonEBP/OREBP is a regulator of nucleus pulposus cell function and survival in the intervertebral disc.J Biol Chem. 2006 Sep 1;281(35):25416-24.


9.   Oguz E, Tsai TT, Dimartino A, Guttapalli A, Shapiro İM, Risbud MV. Galectin-3 expression in the intervertebral disc: a useful marker of the notochord phenotype? Spine. 2007 Jan 1;32(1):9-16.


10. Tsai TT, Guttapalli A, Oguz E, Chen LH, Vaccaro AR, Albert TJ, Shapiro IM, Risbud MV,  Fibroblasat Growth factor-2 maintains the differentation potential of nucleus pulposus cells in vitro - Implicationsfor cell based transplantation theraphy. SPINE  Volume: 32   Issue: 5   Pages: 495-502    MAR 1 2007 21 atıf


11. Sehirlioğlu A, Oztürk C, Oguz E, Emre T, Bek D, Altınmakas M,: Coccygectomy in  the surgical treatment of traumatic coccygodynia. Injury.   2007 Feb;38(2):182-7


12. Oguz E.Sehirlioğlu A, Altinmakas M, Oztürk C, KOmurcu M, Solakoğlu C, Vaccaro AR, A new classification and guide for surgical treatment of spinal Tuberculosis. Int Orthop. 2008 Jan 6


13 . Demiralp B, Kose O, Oguz E, SanalT, Ozcan A, Sehirlioğlu A, Benign fibrous histiocytoma of the lumbar vertebrae SKELETAL RADIOLOGY  Volume: 38 FEB 2009


14.  Bilgic S, Kurklu M, Yurttaş Y, Ozkan H, Oguz E, Sehirlioglu A. Coccygectomy with or without periosteal resection. Int Orthop. Apr;34(4):537-41, 2010.


15.  Koca K, Yurttas Y, Bilgic S, Cayci T, Topal T, Durusu M, Kaldirim U, Akgul EO, Ozkan H, Yanmis I, Oguz E, Tunay S, Korkmaz A, Basbozkurt M. Effect of preconditioned hyperbaric oxygen and ozone on ischemia-reperfusion induced tourniquet in skeletal bone of rats. J Surg Res. 2010Nov;164(1):e83-9


16.   Oguz E, Ekinci S, Eroglu M, Bilgic S, Koca K, Durusu M, Kaldirim U, Sadir S, Yurttas Y, Cakmak G, Kilic A, Purtuloglu T, Ozyurek S, Cekli Y, Ozkan H, Sehirlioglu A. Evaluation and comparison of the effects of hyperbaric oxygen and ozonized oxygen as adjuvant treatments in an experimental osteomyelitis model. J Surg Res. 2011 Nov;171(1):e61-8


17.  Koca K, Yurttas Y, Cayci T, Bilgic S, Kaldirim U, Durusu M, Cekli Y,  Ozkan H,  Hanci V,  Purtuloglu T,  Akgul EO,Oguz E, Yildiz C, Basbozkurt M. The role of preconditioning and N-acetylcysteine on oxidative stress resulting from tourniquet-induced ischemia-reperfusion in arthroscopic knee surgery. J Trauma. 2011 Mar;70(3):717-23.


18.  Ege T, Bilgiç S, Erşen Ö, Yurttaş Y, Oğuz E, Şehirlioğlu A, Kazancı A,  The importance and efficacy of posterior only instrumentation and fusion for severe idiopathic scoliosis. Turkish Neurosurgery 2012, Vol: 22, No: 5, 641-644


19.   Ersen Ö, Ekinci Ş, Bilgiç S, Köse Ö, Oğuz E, Şehirlioğlu A. Posterior spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with or without intraoperative cell salvage system: a retrospective comparison Musculoskelet Surg (2012


20.  Ege T, Bilgiç S, Koca K, Oğuz E, Kılıç E, Köse Ö, Şehirlioğlu A, Kazancı A, Ersen Ö Flouroscopy for transpedicular screw placement in scoliosis: to what extend can radiation exposure be reduced by freehand technique? Turkish Neurosurgery 2013 , Vol: 23, No: 3, 344-348


21.  Şehirlioğlu A, Komurcu M, Ozturk C, Oguz E, Atesalp AS, Altinmakas M, An unexploded rocket-propelled grenade in the thigh EUROPEAN JOURNAL OF ORTHOPAEDIC SURGERY AND TRAUMATOLOGY  Volume: 18   Issue: 3   Pages: 233-236 APR 2008


22.  Kürklü M, Köse Ö, Yurttaş Y, Oğuz E,Ateşalp AS  Anterosuperior calcaneal process fracture or OS calcaneus secundarius? American J.Of Physical Medicine V 89 I 6 522 2010


23.   Bilgiç S, Ege T, Erşen Ö, Koca K, Oğuz E, Şehirlioğlu A. Lomber Patlama Kırıklarında Posterior Fiksasyon. Kısa Segment ve Uzun Segment Pedikül Fiksasyon Karşılaştırması J. Clinical and Analitical Medicine. 2011;2(2):15


24.   Ö.Erşen, Ş.Ekinci, S.Bi,lgiç, E.Oğuz, A.Şehirlioğlu Posterior spinal fusion in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis with or without intraoperative cell salvage system: a retrospective comparison MUSCULO SCELETHAL SURGERY  August 2012, Volume 96,Issue 2, pp 107–110


25. Erşen Ö, Ekinci Ş, Bilgiç S, Köse Ö, Oğuz E, Sehirlioğlu A. Posterior spinal fusion in adolescent  idiopathic scoliosis with or without intraoperative cell salvage system: a retrospective   comparison MUSCULO SCELETHAL SURGER   2012 Aug;96(2):107-10


26.O. Ersen, S. Bilgic, S. Ozyurek, S. Ekinci, K.Koca, E. Oguz Comparison Comparison of two treatment strategy for  Lenke I adolescent idiopathic scoliosis  Acta Orthop. Belg., 2014, 80, 487- 492


27. Ö. Tehli,A.M.Dursun, Ç. Temiz, İ. Solmaz, C. Kural, M.Kutlay, Y. Kacar, MC. Ezgu, Oguz, M. Daneyemez, Y.  Izci Computer-Based Surgical Planning and Custom-Made Titanium Implants for Cranial Fibrous Dysplasia  NEUROSURGERY June 2015 Vol.11 p213-219