Scoliosis and Eye Problems

Torakal bölgeyi etkileyen skolyozlarda, eğriliğe kifoz deformitesi eşlik ediyorsa; vucut dengesinin sağlanması adına, hastalar başlarını geriye doğru çekerler. Böylece hastanın başı boyundan itibaren geriye doğru kaykılarak (servikal lordoz), görme çizgisinin yere paralel durumu bozulur. Bu durumda görme gözüklüğü meydana gelir ve eğrilik derecesine göre çeşitli derecelerde miyop-astigmat görme kusuru olur. Bu nedenle servikal lordozu olan hastalarda göz doktoru konsültasyonu isteriz.

In scoliosis affecting the thoracic region, if the curvature is accompanied by kyphosis deformity; In order to maintain body balance, patients pull their heads back. Thus, the patient's head is tilted backwards from the neck (cervical lordosis), and the parallel position of the visual line to the ground is deteriorated.
In this case, vision glasses occur and various degrees of myopic-astigmatism visual defect occur depending on the degree of curvature. For this reason, we request an ophthalmologist consultation in patients with cervical lordosis.
 In this case, vision glasses occur and various degrees of myopic-astigmatism visual defect occur depending on the degree of curvature. For this reason, we request an ophthalmologist consultation in patients with cervical lordosis.
At Istanbul scoliosis school, we treat our patients as a whole; as well as the state of vision; teeth, footing status, flat feet, leg length, shoulder asymmetry, pelvis (pelvis bone) asymmetry, bone maturation (growth potential of bones), vitamin D and albumin levels, radiological and scoliometric measurements are recorded. Our patients are followed up on these parameters and archived for future evidence-based scientific studies.